This is a blog for fantage where fantagians can get together, have fun, play games, find out hints and cheats,chat together and see whats new on fantage!!

Booking sheet for free stars

This is the booking sheet for free stars(ecoins coming soon)
I will only go on the account for an hour.
Monday: 3-6pm
Tuesday: 3-6pm
Wednesday: 3-6pm
Thursday: 3-6pm
Friday: 3-7pm
Saturday: 11am-6pm
Sunday: 11am-6pm

Stars: 50-500

Okay so this is how you order.

hello bubbly scarf I want to order on a Monday at 4 and I want 100 stars. Thanks.

I will reply if the time is good(meaning its up on the sheet) and if the amount is good(50 to 500 stars).

okay sure I will go onto your account at 4 ill be done at five so after five you can go back onto your account and you will have an extra 100 stars.

Comments on: "Booking sheet for free stars" (2)

  1. No likes no comments !! Wow I thought this was a good idea I keep getting veins just why isn’t anyone saying or liking anything…. O.o I guess a blogger has got to do what a blogger has to do………… I will be getting 50 stars for myself well that’s not gonna be fun ayee? But we’ll I will snap shot it’s will be under the post proof!!? It will show u that I am actually gonna get u stars. I done it for one person.. Before but only one~~~ anyways stay tuned to see the snapshots of me having a lame time !! ;/ please talk to me viewers pwease

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